Tempus Fugit ... Time Flies!

Where does the time go? Wasn't it just yesterday that I got off the plane here in Rome to begin my 5 years of studies on my journey through the formation program in my province? Didn't I just profess my vows for the first time? Amazingly, no, it has actually been 5 years since I moved here to Rome, 5 years since I took my first profession. I was told that the time would go by quickly, but I did not believe it!
So where to now? I received the official letter from my Provincial yesterday that said that I was approved for Solemn Profession. That means that I will be professing the Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience for the rest of my life. WOW, I reflect on it and wonder, how have I arrived at this spot? The answer, of course, is always the same, with the grace of God!
I want to close this blog with a paragraph from the letter that I recieved, because though it was addressed to me, the words are applicable to all:
May you be refreshed continually by the example of the poor one of Assisi ... I challenge you to grow in the joys of gospel love and charity and fraternal concern ... be an example of genuine charity and faithful obedience, emptied always of all the world's cares - all for the greater glory of God.
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