Could I have a side order of humilty with my patience please.

Talk around the house has been the need for patience, and how with all that happens in life, if it is not approached with patience, you are just going to end up going crazy! BUT, as is stressed by a friar of my community, whose opinion I respect very much, keeps reminding us, and ME that with patience we must have a large dose of humility.
This is a wonderful piece of advice that I invite us all to reflect on.
So you are probably wondering why there is a picture of a waterfall at the top of this blog, right? NO?!?!?! Well I am going to tell you anyway :-) ... St. Francis of Assisi, in his Canticle of Creatures wrote: "All praise be yours, my Lord, through Sister Water, so useful, humble, precious and pure". So how is water humble? Have you ever seen water running up hill? No, because it always goes to the lowest of places. So that is my friar-factor for the day. CIAO!
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