A baker's dozen?? Not any more!

So, what ever did happen to the Baker's Dozen? This was the profound question that came up in conversation today. But in all reality it is a good commentary on what the world is coming to. NO, I am not refering to the lack of that one free confectioner's delight when you order 12, but rather the lack of effort in society in general to go that extra step for the satisfaction of another.
You see, it doesn't take all that much to try to ensure that someone has received that extra little bit of kindness, whether it be a smile or kind word, or a small work of charity. Let the person who seems like they are having a bad day know that you care. Let the person who looks tired sit in your seat on the bus. Laugh with the people who are laughing, and cry with someone who is crying.
Be that baker's dozen, be that extra little step that will carry you, and others for miles!!
photo: http://www.gmushrooms.com/Posters/Donuts.htm
How right you are. Thanks for the reminder to work more at giving more.
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