God was once approached by a scientist who said, "Listen God, we've decided we don't need you anymore. These days we can clone people, transplant organs and do all sorts of things that used to be considered miraculous." God replied, "Don't need me huh? How about we put your theory to the test. Why don't we have a competition to see who can make a human being, say, a male human being." The scientist agrees, so God declares they should do it like he did in the good old days when he created Adam. "Fine" says the scientist as he bends down to scoop up a handful of dirt." "Whoa!" says God, shaking his head in disapproval. "Not so fast. You get your own dirt."
In the gospels there are so many instances of people encountering Jesus, most of them have some sort of an obstacle that they are looking to overcome. Today in the gospel we are hearing that no matter what the obstacle is, we need to fight through that. Zacchaeus had several obstacles, we know he is a tax collector, obstacle number 1, we also know that he is “short of stature”, vertically challenged if you will. If you are in that same category, you know what it’s like to stand along a parade route and not be able to see anything because there are so many people in front of you. This was what Zacchaeus was going through, in trying to see Jesus.
This story of Zacchaeus can certainly teach us something, first of all, no matter what we have against us, no matter what sins we have in our lives, no matter how long we turn from our God, eventually we come to the realization that we need him. Jesus will walk among us, giving us innumerous opportunities to look for him, we have that opportunity in the sacrament of reconciliation, our proverbial tree, like Zacchaeus used to see over the obstacles in his way, to recognize him and tell him with our actions, you are my God and I need you in my life.
Today, my dear friends, I challenge you, find that tree that God puts before us to see over those obstacles, to over come the adversity in our lives and look towards our Lord walking before us. Zacchaeus climbed that tree, he saw Jesus, and Jesus saw him. His persistence in seeing this man he heard so much about paid off, because he was noticed, and he was called forth by name to come and join Jesus. Now, of course the people grumbled, because remember he is a hated tax collector, but Jesus obviously had a plan, and he responds to the grumbling with the ultimate message of love “the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost.” He did not leave Zacchaeus up the tree with no where to go, but rather called him out of his predicament, and said “today I will join you and stay with you.” He changed his life, like he is seeking to change ours, giving opportunity because he sought to see his God, as we are called to seek him every day of our lives.
And so my brothers and sisters, today seek the face of God, seek him before all else, give your lives to him, climb that tree and climb high, because our God will notice us, will recognize our efforts, and he will call us by name, and stay with us always.
May the Lord who calls us out of our adversity, give you his peace!
The Friar Factor
Saturday, November 03, 2007
I am from a small city in Massachusetts, and am currently stationed in Connecticut, as a Transitional Deacon.
Previous Posts
- God was once approached by a scientist who said, "...
- 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- A Word from our sponsor
- Thanks
- Practice what you teach!!
- Here comes the sun!
- Tempus Fugit ... Time Flies!
- A baker's dozen?? Not any more!
- Could I have a side order of humilty with my patie...
- All roads lead to Roman traffic