Practice what you teach!!

My father said to me today that I should get back to blogging, and so, with out further ado, here it is, another factor from the friar.
Today, after 5 years of studies, 7 years of formation, much prayer and a few bowls of pasta later, I have arrived at my ordination day. It is hard to believe, and has still yet to hit me!
The title of this particular blog is part of the sentence that the ordaining bishop says to the new deacon when he hands him the Book of the Gospels, with the deacon kneeling infront of him, holding one side of the Gospel Book, the Bishop says: "receive the Book of the Gospels whose herald you have become. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach." What powerful words!! (and usually the words that everyone hears and says back to you many times after the Ordination Rite). But I think we all have to reminded every now and again, to practice what we preach.
And so, with this long overdue friar factor, I hope to get back into the blogger's world. Until then ... Oremus pro invicem!! (let us pray for one another)